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Juneteenth 2020.....as a monumental time in history...this year's celebration and honor of the Emancipation Proclamation is to be referenced as "one-for-the-ages"...in light of what is going on in our Nation...specifically within the African-American/Black communities of this particular time and place across the country. It is a celebratory day...now saturated with seasonings of bitterness, sadness and turmoil of racism being resurgent with Police-brutality and killings of Black men...on a scale of back-to-back occurences of racism being resurgent with Police-brutality and killings of Black men...on a scale of back-to-back occurences. What a sad and sickening reality to realize...bringing back dire memories of the Civil-Rights Movement times of African-American (Black) people, during the 1960's in the cause and call for Equal Rights and Voting Rights, as led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr., someone who was a David against a Goliath...for the Dream he embodied and emboldened from the streets to the valleys and all the way to the mountain tops, calling out and preaching
for a new world order of those times.  Marching all the way to the Abraham Lincoln Monument... Heralded the"March on Washington".
There were riots, protests and police brutality, killings and all angst of racism and unjustified imprisonment of Black Leaders and other Revolutionary leaders of the African American communities
of the United States. Such as Malcolm X, theBlack Panther Party and Black Power Radicals of that era. Even so, the messages of the Cause of these movements, spread to all walks of society, within the United States, and beyond. We marched, we cried out, we bled and many of us died. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , and Malcolm X both wanted the same for the Black/African American people,
Racial Equality and Equal Justice in America. The latter, by "any means necessary"...as Dr. King wanted the same... by means of coming together to make amends and render what's fair and righteous to make a differencein the hierarchy of the system Governing, that we all, regardless of race or gender, would have the same and equal opportunities of being citizens of the United States of America.
Ultimately, these great leaders put their lives on the enemy's line...of no return. Both assassinated in the midst of their respective leaderships. 
The Nation would be forever shakened by both these leaders, and the Civil Rights movement would consequently see some worthwhile changes in the aftermath. Finally, in 1965, the Voting Rights Act was signed into Law, and millions of African Americans could vote. Finally, in1969, Desegregation of schools was won in majorty. 
Although these were mighty feats, there were those in the hierarchy of course, and in the general population who were opposed and hated the changes.Eventually, there would be
more acceptance from within the schools and on to places of organized worship. The congregations of mixed races started to blossom throughout America...ultimately the
world.  Here would become more mixedrace relationships and families. More unified acceptance of cultural differences in foods and styles of clothing, ethnic groups that 
would bridge gaps(lack of other race personnel) in the former all-white clubs, shops and restaurants, and of course in the fields of sports and entertainments. 
From Broadway to Hollywood...African Americans paved their way to be heard and recognized as assets to their various genres of Music and Dance, Sports and other avenues of Service to the country they were brought to as slaves. 
Becoming great Community Leaders, Teachers-Professors, Politicians, Scientists, Astronauts, Physicians and Doctors, Attorneys, Military-Decorates, Bishops and Mega-Pastors, Missionaries and Caretakers, Medals of Honor Recipients, Business Owners, Nobel Peace Prize Honorees, Crowned Athletes and so many Award-Winning Singers and Musicians and other Notarized Artists and Models, and servers and providers to our local communities' needs. In NOVEMBER 2008, a Monumental Day in American History, th first African American was elected President of the United States. And would go on to be Re-Elected in 2012. What an amazing and remarkable feat and achievement for Eight Amazing and Remarkable Years.  Still, President Barack Obama faced and endured the onslaughts of Racism in America.  As the resurgence of discrimination and inequality of justice and random police-shootings and killings, as well as other Mass-Killings/shootings started to take on a more devastating and increasing pattern. As President, he addressed and responded with Action...implementing Laws to bring about Police Reform and for holding Police Personnel accountable by the same Investigations and due Justice as all other citizens.
We are and have always been a Pillar...a Post...Strong and Persevering...through every storm of Injustice and Discrimination through the years, and although we come a long way we must never become
complacent and too comfortable...in ourown status quos. We are still in the midst of the Evildoers of Racism. This is It....the one and another...then another! And...No Other...No More! No More!
We must now come together and stand united as our forefathers and foremothers before us...seize the day and time to renew the Dream...Rise Up and March in solidarity of what we as citizens of
the United States...as a People...as an Asset to our families and our communities, our fellow citizens of every race, to this Nation....We Are Here to Have All and the same Human
Rights, Civil Rights, and Equality of Justice as all others. We have come too far now...to go back and allow our hard fought battles and the Dream to be taken away. We've so long ago proven our greatness, we will survive...we will Rise...because although we've not as wealthy in numbers, and quantity as the opponent and our adversary....we're more than a million in quality of the Assets we brought forth, in endurance and strength through the ages.  As we still have to continue in this present day and time....again.  To all of this....We Are the Real MVPs.
To All and everyone Celebrating and Honoring this special day in African American History.....BE ENCOURAGED...STAND STRONG AND FAITHFUL...BE GRATEFUL....GOD BLESS!