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M - My best friend_my best of loving care on this earth. God bless you were born to be my Mother.

O - One who was always there...One I could always depend on...to go to...whose door was always open_at any given time. No better place in times of need...Mother's home. 

T - Thank God for you_sending you to be my caretaker...God-Mother sent...thank you for your nurture, your teaching, being a great educator to so many children in your lifetime... thank you for exemplifying goodness, of your model of kindness, your wise counsel of learning by truth, your words of wisdom_ that I'm always reminded each day. Thank you for the heart-touching testimonies and precious old-days life-stories you shared. So much of memories to behold so dear.

H - Heart of Gold you were_helping others...a safe haven, homestead, giving shelter to all who called upon you, those near and far, who crossed your path. Newcomers in need and all who knew you.

E - Everyday I awake, there's thoughts of you, an endless blessing of how much you modeled the virtuous woman_ of God-centered consciousness, of deep abiding faith and truth, of unceasing prayers, and living in God's Love and Light, which was your peace, strength, your courage and your comfort and joy...your Daily Bread, well served...molded my desire to be the best model of your raising. On and on motivation, of having your valuable lessons, will not depart learning by me...I cling.

R - Resting in Heaven with the Angels you are_singing praises, dancing in the upper room_rejoicing. Remembering you on this special day...is an everyday occasion. Is my greatest child-mother-love celebration. You are living Mother Love_cherished in my heart_ever so grateful.


Dedication to all our Mothers In Heaven... Happy Mother's Day in the Upper Room! 


©Blackbutterfly Expressions Words 🙏🏽😇♥️🦋

Vannessa Blackbutterfly" Garrett

Mother's Day 2020


Mrs Leona Eugene Garrett 1912 - 1991

Masters Of Education - Teacher and Foster Parent

Began her Teaching career at the Age of 17. She officially retired in 1980. Graduate of Houston College for Negros, later renamed Texas Southern University. Attended Graduate School at Prairie View College, where she obtained her Masters Degree in Education.

A Devoted Christian Life she lead, being a great Foster Parent and wife.  She legally adopted me in 1965. The great Mother...God-send blessing to my life. I'm so beyond mere words...forever grateful.

Daughter: Vannessa 'Blackbutterfly' Garrett