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October 28, 2015

NEWS UPDATE!  Blackbutterfly Expressions Recieves Los Angeles 2015 Award! 


Visit Blackbutterfly Expressions Receives 2015 Los Angeles Award  @ YouTube Posted: November 5, 2015




NEW!  Visit Blackbutterfly Expressions....Reflections on Words @ YouTube. Posted June 21, 2015




 Black Butterfly' by Deniece Williams, has always been my signature songI have listened to this song with such endearment, since it's debut on the charts (early 80's).  The lyrics are just perfect and very soulful...the beautiflul voice of Deniece, and the musical arrangement of this song is pure magic.... truly the musical essence of the butterfly.


'Butterflies' by Michael Jackson

Thank you Michael...I love your Butterflies!  When I first heard this felt like you were singing to me.  I could really feel your spirit...and the words were so sincere and beautiful.  I'll always be reminded of the Love you shared through your songs.  Rest in the Love of God.


Tags: blackbutterfly expressions, reflections on words

Posted at: 10:30 AM | Add Comment

TP said...


Posted July 19, 2009 10:41 PM | Reply to this comment

Allison replied to TP...

Yes, I happen to be a lover of Butterflies, too. I really like the song, it so Michael was. Missing you much, MJ. "Love is all that last forever", you know, I kinda have the idea that should be made a song. Anyway, Just a thought, ...for the love of butterflies.! OK, I'll save more for the guestbook You're really inspiring me with ideas... Keep up the good work!

Posted July 28, 2009 05:36 PM | Reply to this comment

"Nessa" replied to Allison...

Thank you, Allison and TP... You know, yesterday (August 25th) was the 2 month anniversay of Michael Jackson's death...and it's so much still being uncovered and investigated regarding his his personal life/drug use, the paternity of his children, etc., etc. I'm still saddened by some of the truths now revealed ...even though it's all subject to a court of law (judge)to say who pays for carelessness, improper motives, greed, and lack of administering the proper treatment that Michael Jackson needed. His health condition was as fragile at the end(of his reaching out for help) as it was in the beginning. From the time he became dependent on the various pain medications, it should have been apparent to those (doctors,nursing staff, etc.) entrusted with caring for Michael Jackson, that he was falling into a danger zone. He was not capable even back then to resist the temptation... to go beyond the legal drug-admininstering within the guidelines the medical association. The private doctors whom he had personal realtions became the 'channels'...the source through which Michael Jackson would obtain the drugs he wanted. Recent reports which surfaced shortly after his death, suggest there may have been certain criteria (diagnosis, names on RX labels, etc.,) associated with his prescription drugs that were altered to accommodate Michael Jackson's personal request for pain-killers, muscle relaxers, and other drugs obtained, to aid his mounting drug-dependency. It is such a tragic and sad outcome...his behaviour and real-life circumstances just made his dependency to the pain-killers more addictive, bringing about an end to his life at such a time as when the world was just "not-ready" no way, form or fashion of our existence, would we ever be! His death was just simply...the most shocking (untimely) death of all! Oh, now don't get me wrong, I mean the most shocking death of an icon, such as Michael Jackson is...yes, he's still an icon, dead or alive! Neither, do I say Michael Jackson's death is worthy of being considered the "death of the century"...but it just might be thought of that way by the "masses"_ of fans, pop-culture faithfuls, music legends, family, friends and people in the entertainment industry. After all, I can truly say, Michael Jackson was a "one and only" deeply and richly blessed with talent, and his music will keep his Love and Spirit alive in this world for a very, very long time. May the best of life be bestowed upon his children, and may the rest of us just keep the memories of Michael Jackson forever alive by giving respect to his overwhelming desire to share his unconditional love with the world and to entertain us like no one else could... ever! We'll miss you (Michael)always; but thanks to your many, many gifts, we have so many sensational memories to keep with us. We all be "remembering the time", and enjoying every dance move you made and every word you sang, from your heart. You made our lives happier...because we had a "good-time" watching you demonstrate your God-Given talent and express your sincere love for all people,everywhre. The world knows now that you were the Real(Thriller)Thrill!_ of a life-time! We can never; never can Say Good-bye. We Love You, Michael Always and Forever, Blackbutterfly

Posted August 26, 2009 02:46 PM | Reply to this comment

Vannessa replied to TP...

Thank you, TP,'s MJ's Birthday! I have a posted a writing on my Blackbutterfly Talk for Today...about the anniversary of MJ's death: So, if you are reading this reply just click over to that page to read. There will be more to come regarding know. So, keep up with "Blackbutterfly Talk for Today" I look forward to hearing from you soon. Blackbutterfly

Posted August 29, 2009 11:01 PM | Reply to this comment

African-American in the USA said...

RE: "Black History Month Perspective"...Is a well written article regarding what we are to be conscious of in retrospect of African American History in the United States of America. One month is high-lited as a showcase, but the stories, the valuable teachings of all of associated history that has brought us to the current day and time of more legendary African-Americans "in the making"; is to be a continuous...Month-to-Month...Yearly showcase. Teaching our children of their Ancestors in history is very enriching to their Education...being informed of where and how far we have instill faith and encouragement in the pursuit of their goals. Where they CAN GO from here...WHAT THEY CAN ACHIEVE...WHO THEY CAN BECOME as LEGENDS ...LEAVING A valuable LEGACY for generations to come. Thank you all for your sharing your thoughts. More blessings to KNOWLEDGE and INSPIRATION. ~ Blackbutterfly Expressions

Posted February 27, 2015 12:43 PM | Reply to this comment

African-American in the USA said...

RE: "Black History Month Perspective"...Is a well written article regarding what we are to be conscious of in retrospect of African American History in the United States of America. One month is high-lited as a showcase, but the stories, the valuable teachings of all of associated history that has brought us to the current day and time of more legendary African-Americans "in the making"; is to be a continuous...Month-to-Month...Yearly showcase. Teaching our children of their Ancestors in history is very enriching to their Education...being informed of where and how far we have instill faith and encouragement in the pursuit of their goals. Where they CAN GO from here...WHAT THEY CAN ACHIEVE...WHO THEY CAN BECOME as LEGENDS ...LEAVING A valuable LEGACY for generations to come. Thank you all for your sharing your thoughts. More blessings to KNOWLEDGE and INSPIRATION. ~ Blackbutterfly Expressions

Posted February 27, 2015 12:44 PM | Reply to this comment

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